

Andy Rubin Shows Off Android 3.0 On Prototype Motorola Tablet

Andy Rubin is, as I type this, in the middle of a demo of Android 3.0 (AKA Honeycomb) at Dive Into Mobile. The rest of his talk I’ve got written up elsewhere, but this was too cool to pass up. The software is running on a prototype MOTOPAD that looks really slick, though it was only out for a moment and there are but few pictures at the moment. I’ll be updating this post as more information breaks. 
First thing he showed off was a new lock screen and then what appeared to be a brand new “desktop” with widgets and buttons in the corners. Different UI aesthetic than earlier versions of Android. He then launched the new, 3D-and-vector-based version of Google Maps that should be coming to your phone in just a couple days.
Honeycomb will be out “next year,” which is a pretty vague deadline, but if I remember correctly, we’ve heard Q2 for the Moto tablet. Another improvement he notes is the ability to split applications into multiple “fragments,” which can be viewed like widgets. Difficult to tell what that might look like, but it sure sounds good. There’s a new app grid and Gmail appears to have gotten a much nicer version of itself, which I would bet money is a lot like what they’re going to show off tomorrow at their Chrome thing.
The tablet itself looks to me to be larger than the 7″ we heard a while back, but it’s really difficult to tell without actually being there. I’d guess 9″ at 16:10 from these pictures. I don’t know how big Andy Rubin actually is, so my frame of reference is a bit off.
I’ve always said the Android versions we’ve had are a bad fit for tablets. This looks like a different story. I’m looking forward to Honeycomb.


Developers Annoyed Over Twitter's New Strategy

Some worry that Twitter's plans may ruin their own.
It has been the question on the lips of Twitter's critics ever since the company launched in 2006: how will the social messaging service ever make money?
Tweet this: Tweetdeck, shown here on several different devices, is one of many Twitter applications developed by other companies.

This week's upcoming Chirp conference in San Francisco could finally provide an answer, as the company looks to share its latest plans--and paper over the cracks in its relationship with a legion of independent developers. Alongside more technical details on the previously announced @anywhere platform for integrating Twitter with other websites, speculation suggests that Chirp could see the launch of an advertising system and better geo-location services--possibilities that leading coders are looking forward to hearing about.
"I think Chirp is an opportunity for Twitter to outline its advertising strategy, both for themselves and the ecosystem," says Iain Dodsworth, the creator of popular desktop Twitter client TweetDeck. In addition, he suggests, the company could "discuss how they would want to see it implemented--best practices, tied in with their philosophies on 'not being evil.' "
Convincing developers that Twitter intends no harm may prove more difficult than expected, however, given the events of the past few days. On the surface, at least, it seems that Twitter is departing from its policy of working closely with outside developers and instead choosing to compete directly with them.

On Friday, the company made two surprise announcements. First was the news that it would produce its own client for accessing Twitter via BlackBerry handsets, a move that breaks with the tradition of relying on outside developers to create Twitter tools. Then the company created a minor tremor with the revelation that it would be doing the same for the iPhone by acquiring Atebits, the company behind the popular client Tweetie. This app will be rebadged as "Twitter for iPhone," and Twitter will bring its creator, Loren Brichter, under its wing.

Some reacted angrily to the news.

"Twitter has just kicked all the other developers of Twitter iPhone clients in the teeth," said one developer on a Twitter developer forum. Another responded by putting Tweeterena--a client with some 50,000 users--up for sale on eBay.


Greatest hits from Herschel

The European Space Agency’s Herschel space telescope is designed to delve into the old, cold and dusty frontiers of the universe – but there’s nothing old, cold or dusty about the infrared images that the spacecraft is sending back.
Today’s spectacular view of the Rosette molecular cloud is one of the newest, hottest and brightest additions to ESA’s growing album of Herschel highlights.
Infrared astronomy is traditionally described as focusing on the "old, cold and dusty" - that is, the redshifted light from ancient galaxies on the edge of the observable universe, cool objects such as brown dwarfs that shine only in infrared wavelengths, and infant stars and planets still wrapped in shrouds of dust.
The Herschel probe, launched last May, is the most sensitive far-infrared telescope in operation. And its picture of the Rosette cloud, 5,000 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros, shows off the spacecraft's strengths. The different colors in the image represent variations in temperature that would be invisible to the naked eye, ranging from 387 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (-233 degrees Celsius or 40 Kelvin) to minus-441 degrees F (-263 C, 10 K).
The bright smudges in the picture are dusty cocoons that hide massive stars in the process of being born. The heft of the stars is what makes them so highly sought after.
"High-mass star-forming regions are rare and further away than low-mass ones," Frederique Motte of France's Laboratoire AIM Paris-Saclay said in today's image release. Motte is due to present the first scientific results from the Herschel Imaging Survey of OB Young Stellar Objects, or HOBYS, next month at the European Space Agency's annual ESLAB symposium.
OB-class stars like the ones seen in the Rosette cloud put out so much energy that they can spark a ripple effect of starbirth in the clouds of gas and dust that surround them. Astronomers would love to compare the patterns of starbirth seen in distant galaxies with that seen in our own Milky Way galaxy. That's why figuring out the Milky Way's scenarios for sparking new stars is one of Herschel's top jobs.

"Herschel will look at many other high-mass star-forming regions, some of them building stars up to a hundred times the mass of the sun," Motte said.


Writing The Resource Box So It Makes People Click

The internet is the information highway, this phrase has been used so may time it should be nominated for the Internet Clich Award. People that go to the internet are subdivided into groups, but generally, they are out to search information. Whether for gaming, business, fun or anything else the internet has provided us with information that has proved to be very beneficial.

Through the recent years many people have learned the secrets of Search Engine Optimization. More and more sites have seen the effects articles have done for the traffic of their sites. Some have even created sites devoted entirely to providing articles that could be read by their website visitors and have links that could lead to many sites that are related to the topics and subjects of the articles.

For example, the sites may feature many articles about a whole lot of topics. As a website visitor reads the articles they have searched for, they can find at the end of the article a resource box that can be clicked on to link them to the site that has submitted the article. Of course the article would be in relation to the site. Lets say if the article is about rotating the tires, the resource box may lead to a link to a site that sells tires or car parts.

A resource box is what you usually find at the end of an article. They will contain the name of the author, a brief description of the author, a brief description of the sponsoring site and a link. If a reader likes what they read, they would have the tendency to find out where the article came from to read more. The resource bow will be their link to the source of the article and this will entice them to go to the site and do some more reading or research for the subject or topic they are interested in.

But like the article itself, the resource box must also be eye-catching to demand the attention and interest of the reader. While the resource bow encompasses only a small space, providing the right keywords and content for your resource box will provide more prodding for the reader to go to your site.

Now we know what resource boxes are, what are the benefits of having a good resource box? Mainly its driving traffic to your site. Many sites would allow articles to be placed in their sites because they can make use of the articles to fill their pages. They also get affiliation with other sites that can be beneficial for them as well. For the sponsoring site, when you get people to click on your resource box, you generate traffic that can be counted upon as potential customers. 

So what would be a good content for your resource box? Basically it is keywords, learning about the proper keywords that people are mainly searching for. There are many tools you can find in the internet that can help you in determining what keywords to use.

Resource boxes can also make use of all the creativity it can get. You only get a small space for your resource box so you better make the most of it. Try to catch the attention of your reader with resource box content that can make them give a second look. Unlike TV ads, you don't have visual aids to drive your point in. But you do have the power of imagination of a reader. With the right content, you can make them think and intrigued.

Another tip is to use keywords that should be related to your site. Do not mislead your potential website visitors. Build your credibility so that more people would get enticed to visit your site and browse what you have to offer. Make the people click your resource box by providing resource box content that makes a lasting impression. You only get one chance to wow them and hundreds of chances to repulse them.

Never underestimate the power of the resource box. It may be small in size but they will provide a significant aid in driving traffic to your site. A boring resource box will never get a job done. Be fun and creative but at the same time show that you have a great deal to offer, too much to ask for something that couldn't fit a paragraph? Yes and no, there are many tips and guides that can help you in doing this, the first step is realizing how important a resource box could be in making people click your link and be directed to your site. 


Essential Health For Women

Period pains and cramps
Follow these simple guidelines for cosseting yourself and reducing stress both before and during your period
* Eat light, easily digestible food: Home-made chicken soup, fish, eggs, soaked almonds, fresh carrot and apple juice pomegranate, green vegetables, salad, potatoes, rice and pasta.
* Take a warm shower or bath once or twice daily.
*Drink plenty of fluid: two litres of still water daily, but avoid very cold drinks. Also, consume relaxing herbal teas; for example, fennel, mint or basil (try infusing fresh leaves, straining and drinking with honey), as well as malty drinks.
* Relax and breathe: tension of any kind exacerbates symptoms, so rest whenever you can and keep calm. Every couple of hours, spend a minute or two breathing slowly and deeply. Breathe in, swelling your abdomen, taking three seconds; hold your breath for three seconds, and then exhale for six, gently sucking in your abdomen. Repeat ten times.
*Ease cramps by massaging the area just above the pubic bone, using soothing peppermint balm, tiger balm or simply olive or sesame oil. Massage gently, and then increase the pressure slightly to relieve the sore tendons in the area.

* Try the following homoeopathic remedies: Suck two tablets of pulsatilla 30, three times a day, starting two days before your period is due and continuing for the first two days of your cycle. Do this for three or four cycles in order to get results. Or suck two tablets of belladonna 30, every two hours while the cramps continue.

Unexpected pains
If you suddenly begin to experience period pains for the first time, it may be a symptom of an infection of the womb lining, or an irritation caused by an IUD. Consult your GP or family-planning clinic immediately.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Up to 75 per cent of women experience a cluster of symptoms, which strikes in the second half of the menstrual cycle and disappears whenthe period begins. At least 150 symptoms have been recorded; for some women they are primarily physical, while for others they can mean unpredictable and uncharacteristic behaviour. The fact that PMS disappears if the ovaries are surgically removed supports the hypothesis that the root cause is ovarian function. Common symptoms are:
* Mood swings
* Irritability
* Loss of libido
* Memory loss
* Sleep disturbances
* Chronic fatigue
* Clumsiness
* Water retention/bloating
* Dizziness
* Headaches
* Breast tenderness
* Pelvic pain
My personal view is that damage control and preventive measures go a long way towards mitigating the effects of PMS. As well as following the suggestions above for cosseting yourself, I recommend the following:

Neck and Shoulder massage Of all the treatments I recommend, this is the most beneficial. I believe that before a period begins the blood 'depot' shifts to the pelvic region an causes congestion, which reduces the brain's supply of blood and thus the oxygen and glucose it needs. Ask your partner to massage your neck and shoulders once a day for ten to 15 minutes if the PMS is severe, and if possible, see a professional at least once. (Details how to do this massage are given in my book.)

Food I usually recommend a fairly restricted diet during the time that you get PMS. Be as easy on your digestive system as possible; the better your body in general feels. I suggest you avoid fried food and citrus fruit (for indigestion), excess salt (for water retention and nervous agitation), mushrooms, cheese and yeast products (for bloating and fatigue), ginger (for nervous agitation), coffee and alcohol (for tension/irritability) and sugary foods (for cravings). Also avoid canned and preserved foods, which are often high in salt, sugar and additives and which may affect your mood.

Yoga Regular sessions of therapeutic iyengar yoga can be a big help, and try listening to a relaxation tape/CD before going to sleep.

Supplements Take a B-complex vitamin daily for its anti-stress effect; and drink Gokhru tea for water retention.


Anti Ageing Diet

Just like every organ in our body, our skin ages - definitely faster if stress is on the equation. Due to time and stress, metabolism slows down and the skin produces less sebum, components that give skin its youthful qualities. Devitalized, the skin becomes dry and taut. It also gets stripped of its vitality.Lifecell Contraction Cream: If you are aiming for actual results, Lifecell Contraction Chrism can be said as the best anti crumbling chrism for you. The diminutive 3-D crystals acclimated in the chrism reflect the ablaze in such a way that the wrinkles abort to arise to animal eye. What a technology! Because of its appropriation effect, the bark appears contraction chargeless and tighter. Within account of application, you accept a aglow bark with the amazing active appearance.

Some key elements that you should check out in the anti aging products are hyaluronic acid, anti-oxidant grape seed, necessary oils, silk proteins, glycolic acids, alpha hydroxy acids, anti-aging vitamins A, C, E and D and many more such active principles that will smooth out fine lines and hydrate your skin. Make sure the skin product you use is promptly absorbed into the skin and makes prompt outcome.This anti-aging ingredient is actually a type of Japanese sea kelp that has been dubbed the "beauty preserver" by natives of the region. Phytessence wakame works by inhibiting an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid in the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a necessary substance that hydrates the skin from the inside out, helping it retain moisture for a softer, suppler appearance. Loss of hyaluronic acid leads to sagging skin and wrinkles, and therefore, boosting production of this substance with anti-aging ingredients can be an effective approach to younger looking skin. 
Most anti aging skin products aim to provide nutrients to skin cells, thus allowing them to heal after there's been damage, and replacing some of the moisture and fat that have been lost. Many of them include a sunscreen to protect the skin from further sun damage. Though they can prevent some damage to the skin, they can't reverse it entirely - once you begin to use an anti aging skin care product, you will have to continue using it, in conjunction with a good anti aging skincare routine, if you want to maintain a more youthful appearance.The use of Acetyl Hexapeptide - 8 also known as argireline is the third dangerous ingredient I wanted to warn you about. This is often an active element in the so called 'botox in a bottle' formulas. Its great qualities are that it can act quickly in getting rid of fine lines and wrinkles and it is also supposed to stop the depletion of collagen and elastin and is often considered ideal as an anti aging anti wrinkle cream.

Anti-aging products give you a radiant look that will sashay you back with confidence. If you are a victim of dreadful effects of aging, worry no more for you can bank on anti-aging products. The latter is no longer hard to find. In fact, after consulting your doctor, you can just visit your trusted cosmetic store and purchase some anti-aging products to help you remedy your dilemma.


Effective Herbal Weight Loss Solutions

What is all this herbal weight loss that many people think is the safest means of losing weight, other than diet and exercise? The idea of herbal weight loss is said to originate in ancient India when the Aryans discovered the capability of herbs to cure diseases. With this discovery, evidently the explorers recognized that certain herbs have potential healing properties that can benefit man of their ailments.
Now that we have expanded our knowledge on the benefits of herbs on our bodies, some herbs were included in research because they found to be effective in aiding obese people to get rid of their extra pounds. Since obesity is one of the most overlooked social diseases in our society, it can also be controlled with natural means and progressively this can be done with herbal intake. But what are the components of herbs that can make our bodies reduce fats? Here are some of the examples of herbs and their efficiency in reducing weight:
  1. The extract of Cayenne contains capsicum which stimulates our salivary glands thus it induces faster digestion and speeds up the body’s metabolism rate.
  2. �The green tea is rich in flavonoids (antioxidant compounds) and Vitamin C and both of these elements boost our energy, thus ideal for weight reduction.
  3. The iodine and chromium in seaweed stimulates the thyroid and an active thyroid stimulates an active metabolism. There are tablets and capsules available on the market.
  4. �Peppermint helps in reducing water retention in our body and is also an effective stomach cleanser. Since it can calm our intestines we also lose appetite to eat more.
  5. The senna’s laxative properties aid in removing toxins from our body so is an effective herbal remedy for weight reduction. However, some people may be allergic where they can get constipation and dehydrated, so a doctor’s advice is required.
  6. The leaves of the Steavia plant can be processed into natural sweetener. Having your juice sweetened with Steavia can decrease your appetite and so reduces your calorie intake.
  7. The leaves of the Dandelion contain natural diuretic and helps eliminate excess fluid in our body.
  8. The guggul helps in maintaining our body’s cholesterol level because it contains natural element that promote burning of fats and regulate blood lipids.
  9. The popular oat straw which is known to help in decreasing body fats and reduce the level of bad cholesterol.
  10. Guarana which is a popular stimulant that can suppress our appetite and� stimulate our system to burn more fat.
All these herbs are proven to be effective as herbal weight loss alternatives. However, finding or cultivating them in our garden may be a bit difficult because most of them grow only in tropical areas and so their natural element are now processed in manufactured form.
People try to find these herbs because they truly are natural but unfortunately some of them have side effects and this is why they should be taken with precautions. These natural herbal weight loss substitutes are now available in tablet, mixtures or in tea forms. Remember that there are no perfect herbal solutions to lose weight, they need to be combined with other weight loss methods such as diet and exercise.���


Software For Sales And Marketing Purposes

The importance of sales and marketing strategies in business cannot be denied. This is because without either of these business processes there would be no business to run in the first place. However to implement sale and marketing strategies is no easy task, mainly because you have to carefully craft out these strategies to suit your particular business. By using software for sales and marketing purposes you not make this job easier but also faster and more efficient as well.

You save time and you can also save a lot of money as you do not need to hire the services of a separate sales and marketing force. By using sales and marketing software you can combine these two business process together and give one person the job. The purpose of sales and marketing software is to facilitate the implementation and operation of the sales and marketing processes of a business. This means that your work burden becomes lighter and allows for you to concentrate less on the data entry side of things and more on practical matters.

Today there are plenty of softwares available for sales and marketing purposes online. All you have to do is go to a reliable search engine and type in your keyword search and you will be flooded with a plethora of sales and marketing software. But remember that before you choose to buy any software you are completely aware of what the product is all about and if it meets your operational requirements. Also make sure the software is compatible with your PC.

Some popular sales and marketing softwares in the market at the moment include:
Top Sales - available at
Top Sales is a powerful sales and marketing software tool. It lets you not only manage your documents and contacts but your emails as well, so as to enhance sales productivity with functions like a daily contact manager, mailing lists and email auto-responder. Both cost efficient and effective Top Sales lets you focus on your customers with contact classifications, a document management tool, an email organizer, sales data entry/invoicing and analysis, sales order processing, purchase order processing, inventory control, mass faxing, English and non English language data entry and reporting support, security control and network support. This software is especially online marketers as well as for home and small businesses as it can help build customer relations efficiently and effectively by making the sales and marketing process a more personal experience.

Top Sales has 2 editions, the Basic Edition is a single user version that is available online for free, while the Personal and Professional Edition will function in Demo mode for a 30 day trial period after which you have to purchase it. Also available are online tutorials and demos for help.

Topica - available at
Topica is the ideal sales and marketing software solution that combines performance-based advertising services with a user-friendly hosted application (ASP). Perfect for Internet retailers, online publishers, direct marketers and interactive agencies, this software uses the most up to date conversion tools with key data integration and analysis features. Topica software includes; data integration tools, direct integration of leads, customizable data-capture forms, automated imports and exports of from CRM or SFA database and the ability to modify landing pages. This software operates on a variety of delivery platforms and offers dedicated IP addresses as well. The best part of buying this software is it is fully customizable and if you are not satisfied with the software during the first month of use, you can get your money back!
ListGrabber - available at
This sales and marketing software lets you import contact lists directly in your database without having to copy/paste or type it in. It also gathers and downloads business contacts from the Yellow Pages and online business directories as well. This software lets today's sales and marketing personnel build their contact lists, check and eliminate duplicate records, send emails to single or multiple email addresses as well as extract emails from web pages. Simple and easy to use, ListGrabber 'captures' address along with a business's name, address, phone number, fax, website and other contact details, so that you as a businessman can save both time and money by getting high quality lead lists so that you can prospect for new clients while at the same time retain older ones. You can download a free trial copy for 10 days or you can buy this software online. Online live help is available as well as online product demos.
Fast Start Sales & Marketing Pack - available at
For $29.95, this sales and marketing software has Excel templates that let you get Direct Marketing Analysis, Cash Flow Histories, Monthly Sales Projections, Progress Reports, Project Cost Summaries, Quotation Requests, Sales Goals, Sales Planning Worksheets, and Sales Projections. As excellent software for small business owners, sales executives, sales & marketing managers and entrepreneurs for businesses of all sizes, this software has more than 10 sales and marketing templates to mange your business efficiently and effectively so that you can concentrate on closing the deal. With a 30-day money back guarantee, this software is a real time saver that is inexpensive yet powerful at the same time. 


How To Get Rid Of Sore Throat

A sore throat is one of the most common of medical complaints. It is an inflammation or infection of the pharynx accompanied with discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat. A sore throat is contagious in most cases and can be spread through coughing and sneezing. There are many ways to get rid of a sore throat.
Home Remedies for Sore Throat
Gargling with raspberry tea, turmeric, sage, lukewarm salt water, and Listerine can help ease a sore throat. Gargling is one of the best home remedies.
Pour one cup of boiling water over two teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves and steep for ten minutes. Then strain, allow cooling and gargling. It is also good for controlling fevers.
Mix one teaspoon of salt, half cup of apple cider vinegar and one cup of hot water water. Dissolve the salt in the apple cider vinegar and mix in the water. Gargle with this mixture frequently.
Drinking lots of water also helps in getting rid of acid reflux sore throat pain and irritation. Although eight glasses will be enough, you can always drink more, if it is all right with you. Apart from helping you with your sore throat, it will also give you lots of other health benefits too.
Ginger is an effective herbal remedy for sore throat. The good thing about ginger is it is a common item in the kitchen. In preparing ginger, peel the skin off and slice it into coin shapes. Place the ginger pieces into a small pot with water and boil it. You will know that it is ready when the liquid turns yellow. You may also add your favorite sweetener to make the taste better. Sip it slowly and you will be able to feel the effects.
Hyssop is one of the herbal remedies that is very effective against sore throats. Not just that, it is also good for congestion and coughs. It is also used as an effective expectorant. To prepare hyssop, just soak it in 1 cup of boiling water and cover it for at least 10 minutes. The ratio is 2 teaspoons of dried hyssop is to 1 cup of boiling water. Let it cool down first before you sip it up.
Apple cider vinegar. This is a popular folk remedy, and doctors suggest it has some basis in fact: the acidity of the vinegar should kill sore-throat-causing bacteria on contact. To use this remedy, mix a teaspoon to two tablespoons (as strong as you can take) of vinegar in with water. Gargle and then swallow two times every hour. Remember to rise your mouth with water after gargling to prevent the acidity in the vinegar from damaging your tooth enamel.
Another effective remedy to end you problem in 24 hours is mango bark. You can mix a small amount with water and gargle several times.


Fish Oil For Triglycerides Are Important For Your Health

Are you aware that triglycerides are an important measure of heart health? Multiple clinical studies have been done proving that using fish oil for triglycerides when levels were too high was very effective in lowering those numbers. Less than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) is considered normal and 150-199 mg/dl is borderline high.
It is crucial that you monitor your numbers regularly along with your blood pressure and cholesterol. A simple blood test at your doctor's office after fasting for 9-12 hours to get an accurate reading is all you need to do to see if your numbers fall in the healthy range. If it has been determined that any of these numbers are too high, fish oil may be the answer to getting you back to the levels you need to maintain excellent cardiac health.
Don't let the long word scare you off from learning more. They are simply a type of fat found in your blood. Your body converts the food you eat that it doesn't need right away into these fats. Then when needed, hormones deliver them as energy between meals. Problems arise when excessive amounts thicken artery walls. These fatty particles can interfere with the heart muscle and even stop blood flow to parts of the brain. High numbers are often an indication of other disorders such as obesity, uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, and hypothyroidism. Excessive levels can also be a side effect of certain medications like birth control pills, beta blockers, and the breast cancer drug tamoxifen.
Most people can decrease their risks with just a few lifestyle modifications. Three most important changes to be made include diet, exercise, and weight loss. As far as exercise is concerned, you only need to devote thirty minutes a day to an aerobic type workout such as stair climbing, swimming, bicycling, or brisk walking. Some vital diet changes include making meals with whole grains, salads, vegetables, and cold-water fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and herring which have the type of fish oil for triglycerides lowering outcomes. If you are overweight try for a 10% loss of your body weight and by dropping those few pounds you will see significant progress in getting those levels into a healthy range.
The basic ingredient that is so helpful in fish oil for triglycerides is that it is comprised of omega-3 fatty acids. Research has shown that these essential fatty acids can decrease the levels, lower blood pressure slightly, and reduce the growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque. Because of these findings, the American Heart Association recommends that 2 to 4 grams of omega-3 fatty acids in capsule form be taken by patients who need to lower their triglycerides. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered one of the 'good fats' so important for heart and metabolic health. It is always a good idea to consult with your doctor to decide together on the correct amount to be taken for your specific situation.
Check out my web site listed in the bio section for more information.


Vauxhall Car – A Brief History Of The Astra

Below is just a short history of the Vauxhall car maker and specifically the Vauxhall Astra. Vauxhall cars have a firm commitment to quality, and a tradition that is unrivaled.

The great Vauxhall car, specifically the Astra, is a roomy and no-nonsense small family car. The most recent model, introduced in 2004, is the fifth Astra since the start of its manufacture. It sports a larger interior than preceding versions, with lots of fun stuff included providing an up-market look and feel. Vauxhall Cars wide range of petrol engines and good choice of diesels make it a very well-liked car in the contemporary market. The three-door Sport Hatch alternative has the option of an innovative and attractive panoramic windscreen, which creates a whole new driving experience.

History of the Vauxhall Astra

Vauxhall Car, Astra sets the standard for small family cars. The most recent model, introduced in 2004, is the fifth Astra since the start of its manufacture.

The very first Vauxhall Astra was introduced in 1979 which replaced its precursor, the Vauxhall Viva in the UK. Vauxhall cars are manufactured and sold all around the world; branded as an Opel in continental Europe, a Holden in Australasia and a Chevrolet in Latin America. In Russia, it carries both Opel and Chevrolet badges. During the 1980s, the Astra was sold as a Pontiac in the United States.

Different types of Vauxhall Astra

Vauxhall Astra is obtainable in 3 door and 5 door versions, as well as estate and van models. There are up to 13 trim levels to choose from, beginning with the opening level Expression ranging all the way up to the Elite with further Sri and VXR models available too. Astra has engines that range from a 1.4 up to a 2-litre turbo in the VXR hot hatch.

Vauxhall cars have a long history of road authority. Find a great pre-owned Vauxhall car today!


Take Care Of Your Back While Working!

A desk in your office is to simply keep your computer, paperwork, and other things. A desk is aesthetic and functional in the office setting. The value of a chair is great because it is related to your health. Most people now learn that ergonomic chairs will help your back. If you sit in your chair for a prolonged period of time, the ergonomic value of a chair is really vital to you. Here is why:
Sitting at your desk for 5 hours a day, is about 1,200 hours sitting in your chair in a year. To put it in a different prospect, you are spending 50 days and nights sitting down. It is not something you can ignore because sitting is actually causing a lot of pressure on your back.
For chairs that aren't ergonomically made for prolonged usage, you will pay for it by a lot of doctors' visit later. You need office chairs that offer you plenty of ergonomic benefits. You need to protect yourself while you work. Take care of your back now and your back will take care of your for years to come.
Ergonomic office chairs have many adjustments and controls that ensure your unique body proportions are in good shape while sitting. You need to determine how you plan to use the chair. You need to control the tilting angle, tension tightness, and a mixture of other controls as well.
Heavy Duty Chairs
A lot of jobs like night shift guards, or, emergency room operators will be required to sit at their desks for a long period of time. Chairs with a tilting mechanism and sufficient supports on the lumbar and the back are needed. Make sure the chair will move forward or backward with your body to provide sustain supports.

Task Chairs
Some jobs are required the employee to run back and forth between the desk and other areas throughout the workday. A knee-tilt mechanism is ideal. It allows the feet planted on the ground while leaning back in the chair. It is not good for your posture to lift your feet when you lean back and forth.
Executive office chair
This type of chair is normally larger with a lot of padding and supports. They are designed for executive managers who are spending a lot of time on the conference phone calls or on a computer or meeting clients. Comfort yet stylish is important for this type of chair. It is recommended to purchase the office chairs combined both features of the heavy duty chairs and the task chairs.
Some general rules of thumbs for your next purchase of ergonomic office chairs:
'1. Sufficient lumbar support that allows blood flow and circulations
'2. Contour backrest and comfortable enough to support shoulders
'3. Seat 16" to 20" off from the floor so that the user's legs will be planted on the floor
'4. Adjustable gas lifts seat height
'5. Chair mechanism allows the user to lower, raise, or tilt backwards
'6. Chair's seat should have about a fist of space between edge of chair and the back of the knees
'7. Waterfall curved o the front edge of seat
'8. 5 star base with castors
'9. Pivoting arm pad
'10. Armrests that go ups and downs
The next time you consider purchasing a chair for your office or even to work on at home make sure you take in to account the damage it can cause to your back.


Mercedes F-Cell Roadster Unites High Tech and Tradition

Mercedes F-CELL is a concept Hydrogen-powered buggy roadster which is able to attract anyone’s attraction by adding a fiberglass body, joystick control and hydrogen-electric fuel-cell power unit. The car is supposed to contain all the technologies that the top-shelved Mercedes cars have. It boasts a fiberglass and carbon fiber body structure, a compact fuel cell of 1.2kW is being used for power generation and the top speed of this car is 25 km/h. The car remains away from the traditional steering wheel rather it is using a joystick control for driving. The silly, big spoked bicycle wheels are another attraction of this car.
mercedes benz f cell roadster
 In a hitherto unique project bridging various fields of profession, the trainees of Daimler AG at the Sindelfingen Mercedes-Benz plant have built a Roadster with fuel cell drive. For about a year, more than 150 trainees and dual education system students worked on the overall concept, development, assembly, and completion of the F-CELL Roadster. This project involved junior employees from the fields of automotive mechatronics, model-building, electronics, coating technology, manufacturing mechanics, product design, and interior appointments. The prime objective of the project was to integrate the topic of alternative drive systems into training with hands-on experience.
“This project impressively demonstrates that the topic of sustainable mobility has become an integral part of our vocational training,” said Human Resources Board member and Labor Relations Manager Günther Fleig. “I am delighted to see how much initiative and creativity the young people have put into this project.”
mercedes benz f cell roadster
The F-CELL Roadster uniquely combines state-of-the-art technologies with the history of vehicle construction. As an allusion to the Benz Patent Motor Car from 1886, the vehicle is fitted with large spoked wheels. Moreover, the F-CELL Roadster incorporates stylistic elements from diverse eras of automotive history, such as the carbon-fiber bucket seats with hand-stitched leather covers and the distinctively styled fiberglass front section, based on the component from the Formula One racing bolides.
mercedes benz f cell roadster
The F-CELL Roadster is controlled with drive-by-wire technology, and a joystick takes the place of a conventional steering wheel. The vehicle is powered by the emission-free fuel cell system located at the rear. With a power rating of 1.2 kW the F-CELL Roadster reaches a top speed of 25 km/h and has an operating range of up to 350 km.